Friday, May 29, 2009

Universal Infinity

Nothing highlights my need for boundaries more than this irrational terror that I have about the universe being endless. Since I first learned about it, thinking about it has caused me a great deal of anxiety. If I don't divert my mind, I end up in outright terror. What is it about the concept of endlessness that is so scary? My life is finite. I was born, and grew up. Now I am aging and someday I will die. So that isn't quite as scary. All of those are knowns. But this endlessness. This vision of galaxy upon galaxy, or minerals unlimited, of masses and swirling vortexes that have no beginning and no end? Jesus! It makes me so scared.
How do scientists purport to 'map' this endlessness? Seems ridiculous to me. How do you plan for the unaccountable? How do you schedule infinity?
I had to write this, because it is one of the constant hints about me that is revealing. I get sooo upset when I think about it. Always have. I do think that was why when someone told me about God when I was young, I immediately thought that that sounded like a great idea. A God as big as the unending universe? Maybe that could keep me safe. If God is as big as the universe, then maybe God can help me conquer some of my own demons. Just maybe.
Fabu out.

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