Monday, July 20, 2009


I am irritated. . . again. It seems that generally it takes very little to irritate me. I become upset mostly at ideas that pop into my head. Often they are ideas about my partner and how he may betray me some day. They are ideas about my son and how I am not doing a good enough job raising him. This morning the idea was about my panties cutting into my sides. This morning's idea was that I am gaining weight, therefore a panic set in.
The truth is that I am on a steep learning curve with myself, my food, my relationships and my money. The bottom that I am hitting around emotions, around money, and around weight is seemingly endless. This I know: if I continue to work the steps, go to meetings, and alter my thought process, I will get better. And as I get better, these troubles that I have will ease.
I am actively seeking the God I sure don't understand today, because as I heard in a meeting the other night, I don't know about believing in God, but I sure know that I need a God.
Fabu out.

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