Friday, May 14, 2010


Hi all,
I am sad sad sad. Now having a daily bulimic relapse. It ain't forever, I have proven that to myself, but getting away from this is sooo brutal. And with this daily relapse comes pain from my relationship. I counted on his words, though I didn't believe him. He did his best with what he had, and his best was lying and leaving. AND, I saw him.
Avatar. I should have seen it in the theatres. Before I met Matt, I told myself that I wanted passion and connnection and REAL. Well, I got it. Now I am telling myself I want forever. I am done with serial monogamy. If God can't bring me forever, then I want NOTHING. If I can't go the distance with someone, then keep them out of my life. I NEVER wanna be HERE again. It is too all-consuming! I need my energy for my boy, my career, myself. This obsession over drama is BULLSHIT. Thanks for hearing me GOD.
Fabu out.